Mom Mom

Chores Your Little One Can Help With

Starting chores at a young age can help kids both mentally and physically as they grow up and learn responsibility. Reaching the next milestone can feel easier as they learn new skills. Some sources say that chores can be started as early as two years old, while others recommend four to five years old. The “perfect age” doesn’t exist, so it’s important to do what’s best for you and your child!

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Birth Birth

Dad or Partner's Hospital Bag Checklist

Hospital bag checklists are everywhere for mamas, but what about the dad or partner? Since support systems are essential for a new mom, or any mom for that matter, I want to review some things for this ever-so-helpful-person in your life. In this case? What do they need to pack for the hospital? Keep in mind that I tend to keep things minimal in my life so this list is perfect but not overly detailed. I think the BEST thing you can do is only bring the essentials! And yes - it is great to have this packed in advance just like your bag. The last thing you need is to be waiting around for a bag to be packed!

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Lifestyle Lifestyle

10+ Yoga Poses for Anyone Hunched Over a Computer

Tech Neck. Computer Neck. Text Posture. Whatever you call it, it’s becoming a more common issue than ever before. Working from home has been a large contributor to this growing number. Tech Neck affected around 85% of office workers before, now that number has skyrocketed. Yoga can be a huge help with pain relief after a long day hunched over the computer!

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Recipes Recipes

9 Healthy, Filling Snacks for Any Time of Day

Snack time is pretty much all the time if you ask me, lol! I love having tons of different options on hand at the house to fill any craving, from crunch to chew, sweet to savory. But! I don’t usually care for snacks that are totally void of nutrients or satisfaction. Having easily accessible, healthy, and flavorful snacks around is important when you are looking for a healthy relationship with food. I look for snacks that have a nutritional profile other than just carbs and sugar. Why? Because the more you snack on empty, the more you continue to reach for empty. Don’t get me wrong, we all love carbs, but finding snacks that have protein, fats, and fiber are going to be more beneficial in the long run.

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Mom Mom

8 Ways to Actually Help a Postpartum Mama

“I can’t wait to come see the baby!” This is usually the first line that new mothers hear postpartum. With the excitement of a new baby, sometimes mama can get forgotten in the mix. While the health of the baby is important, so is the health of the mom. She has just gone through a very difficult experience and is probably feeling less than perfect. She needs a village behind her for the support! Helping her adjust to this new life with a new little human can make a world of a difference.

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Recipes Recipes

Crispy Chickpea & Avocado Flatbread

Now, if you’re looking for a way to get in more plants or are trying to alternate your protein sources - you’ve got to try this Roasted Veggie, Crispy Chickpea & Avocado Flatbread recipe. This is a great option for any non-meat-eaters in the family, but meat can definitely be added for a different option! Not only is it super flavorful, but it’s also an easy way to sneak in some healthy veggies. The crispy chickpeas and creamy avocado have the protein and fat to keep everyone’s bellies full.

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Recipes Recipes

8+ Ways to Incorporate Plant-Based Protein

When you eat a lot of plant-based foods, the protein question is often circulating. Though we are by no means totally living by this diet - I also don’t eat meat and dairy with every meal. I like to switch up my proteins and have been practicing how to do that over the years! Many people are concerned that not eating meat means that you will not get any protein at all! Luckily, there are tons of plant-based foods that are packed with protein. And fun fact - almost every food does have even a small amount. Remember that doing your research is essential to be sure you aren’t depleting your body of necessary nutrients.

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Mom, Recipes Mom, Recipes

Quick & Healthy Kids Meal Ideas

If you have super easy mealtimes with your kids, this might not be for you. But I am always trying to get them to try new things that are e-a-s-y for me and also put some nutritional value into their meal. It’s important to make sure our kiddos are eating a balanced diet, but we may not have much time during the day, especially if we’re working from home, too. Making healthy and delicious lunch and dinner options for the kids doesn’t mean that we have to spend hours in the kitchen.

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Lifestyle Lifestyle

Essential Oil Blends for Allergy Season

Spring and Summer are awesome, but I know that many of us get allergies with all of the new things going on in our yards! Give me all the extra sunshine, the blooming flowers, the perfect temperatures, and some spring cleaning...but keep the allergies away! The sneezing, nose-blowing, and painful sore nose make this time of year a little less appealing, but with a mix of strong allergy relief and some essential oil blends, I have a plan for you to make it through this allergy season!

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Recipes Recipes

How to Create the Best Vegetarian Charcuterie Board

Charcuterie boards have been all over my feed for some time now. Their popularity has been growing because they make the perfect food option to satisfy a variety of taste buds. Plus, they’re totally customizable! My preferences change in terms of what I want to include, but right now we are talking about a yummy Vegetarian Charcuterie Board.

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Lifestyle Lifestyle

5 Things you Need in Every Bedroom

We’ve been doing a lot of switch-a-roos since we moved into this house last year as we try to figure out the perfect layout for who goes where. Once the girls found out what a bunk bed was - they needed to have that, and I thought “well, that frees up a bigger space for an office and guest room!” (Plus, maybe they won’t come down into our bedroom every night. That was wishful thinking.)

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Lifestyle Lifestyle

My New & Improved Nighttime Routine With Lull Bed and Bedding

As a working mom of three, I feel the need to have something for myself in order to keep my sanity — can you relate? While so many people are able to focus on their morning routines, I often find myself lacking one because I don’t always have the flexibility in my schedule. With unexpected wake-up times, cranky toddlers, and three different breakfasts some days, I choose to focus on me and my self-care in the evening.. And yes, sometimes that includes a 10pm dinner in peace. Thankfully, we have passed the stage where our kids wake up in the middle of the night asking for a bottle, so the evening is really the best time for John and I to focus on ourselves!

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Mom Mom

Mom Hack: Kid’s Self Serve Fridge 

You all know that I love a good mama hack and this self serve fridge is definitely tippy-TOP on my list of things to finish ASAP! I have three kids and I feel like they are at the point now where they can all try to get their own snacks. And if your kids eat snacks, you know the requests are constant, right?! lol

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Lifestyle Lifestyle

5 Ways to Treat Yourself This March

Have we had enough time to reflect about ourselves and how we take care? Probably! For many, the last year has included introducing a new routine like skincare, fitness, or dietary in some way. Personally, I have really been able to lock in an important part of my day - morning movement. It sets me up for a MUCH better day than if I didn’t do it at all. Sure, it’s not something I *want* to do when I wake up in the morning, but the benefits outweigh those excuses. If you’re a parent you know that time for yourself comes far and few between, and when that time comes - it’s hard to make a decision. So what I’ve done is curate a list of a few things that you can try on as a fun way to treat yourself before winter is over.

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Recipes Recipes

My 2 Favorite Plant Based Wing Recipes

Gosh, wings are so good. Now I know you might be asking yourself, “Jess, really… wings?” but yes. You heard me right! The problem I have with them though is the stringy chicken. I’m just not a fan. So I guess basically I just like the idea of dipping something hot and spicy into ranch. Anyway, because I always TRY to do some better-for-me options - and especially always experimenting with plants - I thought I’d give some plant-based wings a try to see if they fit the bill.

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Lifestyle Lifestyle

3 Ways To Keep Your Skin Hydrated Heading into Spring

If you’re not new here - you know that a huge part of what I do is look for new ways to nourish my body inside and out. (If you are new here - welcome!) I definitely noticed my skin getting drier and drier as we got deeper and deeper into the heart of winter. The coldness outside and the dry air inside is what perpetuates the situation, but luckily there are many ways to keep your skin hydrated and moisturized to head beautifully into Spring. Did you know that your skin is your largest organ?! Gotta protect and support it!

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Birth, Mom, Pregnancy Birth, Mom, Pregnancy

Most Recommended Products for Moms & Baby, From a Doula’s Perspective

I can’t believe I’ve been a mom now for almost six years. That said - I’ve experimented and tried out so many products and brands for babies and mamas. Even more so over the last year that I’ve been training to become a Doula! I feel like something new comes out every day, so it's been difficult to keep up, but I like to have an idea of what is available in the industry. Being a first time mom, or even a mom of 5, there’s always experimentation that needs to be done because every baby is different and so is every child-parent relationship. I’ve been doing a lot of reflecting about what has changed from Carmen to PJ to Graham and it got me thinking about all the products I’ve switched around throughout the years. I wanted to share my recommendations, as I would for my Doula clients,for products that can help make your life easier, more comfortable, or more efficient. Use this list as a guide, or checklist if you will, for the ultimate list of products you need to support your way through this amazing journey of motherhood.

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Mom, Recipes Mom, Recipes

4 Ways to Snack Better When Working and Momming from Home

Whether you’re new to working from home or it’s been your longtime gig, you’ll like this post. Well, if you are a snacker like me - you’ll like this post! As someone who has managed business from home for 6 years now, I’m well aware of the tendency to wander over to the fridge and pantry and mindlessly make snacking decisions. I wanna start off by saying that snacking isn’t automatically bad, and you should feed your body when you’re hungry! It’s more about what foods you choose and how to tell when your body actually needs them.

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Lifestyle Lifestyle

celebrate valentine’s day - kid friendly!

Like most people, we will be staying home this year on Valentine’s Day. But if I’m being honest, we’ve always been pretty low key about it! This year I’m excited to incorporate some ideas to include the kids this year, since Valentine’s Day is falling on a Sunday and they’ll be home with us!

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Recipes Recipes

An Easy, Fun Breakfast for Everyone - a Holiday Breakfast Bar

It’s safe to say, everyone is looking forward to the holiday season earlier than ever before. With Christmas just around the corner, are you making new recipes, the same recipes? Endless grocery lists? LOL One of my favorite food traditions is to set up a DIY breakfast bar to enjoy one of the mornings we have off. As the kids get older, they absolutely love the whole concept of having a “buffet” style setup at home! And even if you are doing the holidays with a super tight knit group, or even alone, this is an awesome way to extend the holiday-days. :)

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