8 Ways to Actually Help a Postpartum Mama

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“I can’t wait to come see the baby!” This is usually the first line that new parents hear in postpartum. With the excitement of a new baby, sometimes we can get forgotten in the mix. While the health and love of the baby is important, so is the that of the mom. She has just gone through a very tiring and trying experience from pregnancy to birth, and is probably feeling less than all-together. She needs a village behind her for the support! Helping mom adjust to this new life with a new little human can make a world of a difference.

If you have a new mom in your life, the most amazing thing you can do is lend a helping hand. Check out these eight ways to actually help out so that she can have a more relaxing recovery.

Go on a grocery trip

Save the new parents a trip to the store. Trust me, it helps so much more than you think! Text and ask for a list, then run out before stopping over to say hi. She will be so grateful for you taking a task off of the to-do list.

Give her time to take a shower

Every mom has to prioritize and there are those like me who prioritize a shower over food and sleep, lol, and option two who prefer the latter! A shower just helps me feel alive. Regardless, a shower will do just that. It offers warmth, and a fresh start. And it’s 100x better when you don’t hear the baby crying from outside the curtain. Tell her that you’ll watch the baby so that she can have a chance to bathe, change, and brush her hair. You may not think about it if you don’t have kids, but these simple tasks can be hard for mom to accomplish when 100% of her attention has to be on the baby!

unload or Load the dishwasher

Just like going to the grocery store, loading the dishwasher can check a task off the list. From bottles to dropped pacifiers, to food plates from other kids - mom probably can’t keep up with the random scattering of dishes that are starting to form. Simply removing the dishes from the countertop makes the room feel better, and magically helps remove some of the clutter from mom’s brain too. Seriously, it works!

Bring a lasagna

This may come as a shock but new parents probably do not feel like cooking a 5-star meal right after having a baby. I know you are not surprised, I’m just being funny. Casseroles can save the day. Get together with a few friends to create a food train. Every day, someone else takes over dinner for the family — but just make sure you know if there are any dietary preferences first! And, make sure you are not overlapping other food that is being brought in.

Be there to talk

If you can’t do anything or bring anything, just be there to chat. Everyone wants to talk about the baby, and that’s OK, but remember to ask her how she’s feeling too. She could also want to talk about something else to get her mind off of the constant baby worry, so being an open ear can help more than you think.

Snap some pictures

This one may sound silly, but most of the time mom is behind the camera taking pictures of the baby. Be sure to snap a few shots of mom or dad with the babe because those are precious moments!

Help find a postpartum doula

I may be biased, but I think a postpartum doula is an essential part of postpartum recovery. If you know that the family is looking for one, offer to help out with the search. Contact friends and family to see if they have recommendations, too. This active work takes soooooo many decisions and scrolling off of a new mom’s brain. BTW, if you don’t know what a postpartum doula is - it is a person who supports the family with anything from recounting the birth story or talking through challenges and solutions with new baby at home, to cooking, light cleaning, watching other children in the home, or preparing a warm bath and tea for mom.

Bring some baby essentials

Picking up a few baby essentials on your way over wouldn’t hurt. No parent has ever said that they had too many diapers or wipes. Trust.

Being a new mom can be a lonely and overwhelming time. Having a support system can be an absolute game changer for her. If you’re looking for ways to support a new mama after pregnancy, use one of these tips and let me know how it went down below!


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