The Ultimate Afternoon Mom Hack

Postpartum Nutrition and How You Should Eat During Those Early Weeks After Baby

10 Truths About the First Year of Being a New Mom

Modern Motherhood and Why It's Different Than Past Generations
6 Breastfeeding-Friendly Holiday Outfits for 2021
With baby number 4 on my hip, we’re excited (and anxious lol) to take on another holiday season! Breastfeeding during the holidays isn’t anything new for me, so I’ve been able to pick up a few tips and tricks along the way. Whether you’re looking for a super casual & comfy look to hang out in or a fun, chic holiday party look, check out these six breastfeeding-friendly outfits!
My Postpartum Bra Strategy
With this being my 4th time around the postpartum block, I feel like I’ve become a nursing bra connoisseur! I’ve seen (what feels like) almost every bra option out there: the good, the bad, and the uncomfy. With every child, I’ve done things a little differently. This time around, I really like the strategy I’ve come up with and it’s been a great experience so far!
Why Your Mom Microbiome is so Important & 3 Things to Look for in Your Probiotic
There are a few reasons why it’s important to pay attention to your microbiome, especially in your all-important role as Mom! Keep reading to help your understanding of what a probiotic can do to benefit you, and the best way to sift through the ever-growing and ever-changing market of what’s available. As a mom of 3, I am always on the path to “what is most effective” and “what is most efficient” and I feel I have found it here with Seed!
Postpartum Tea Blends
Postpartum tea blends can get expensive and typically focus more on the nursing aspect of being postpartum. I started looking into this for a client and have decided the best thing to do is buy herbs in bulk and make your own blend! It’s much less expensive and not terribly hard or inconvenient. It’s definitely doable, mama!
Postpartum Journey: Filling Snacks to Make it Through
You’re now juggling a baby who will only sleep in your arms, other kids needing attention, piles of laundry, and tons of errands. Then, you finally get the baby to sleep but you can’t move….for what could be hours! I’ve been there way too many times to count! Finding a snack that is ready to grab quickly and will keep you nourished during those long naps, will be a godsend.
Chores Your Little One Can Help With
Starting chores at a young age can help kids both mentally and physically as they grow up and learn responsibility. Reaching the next milestone can feel easier as they learn new skills. Some sources say that chores can be started as early as two years old, while others recommend four to five years old. The “perfect age” doesn’t exist, so it’s important to do what’s best for you and your child!
8 Ways to Actually Help a Postpartum Mama
“I can’t wait to come see the baby!” This is usually the first line that new mothers hear postpartum. With the excitement of a new baby, sometimes mama can get forgotten in the mix. While the health of the baby is important, so is the health of the mom. She has just gone through a very difficult experience and is probably feeling less than perfect. She needs a village behind her for the support! Helping her adjust to this new life with a new little human can make a world of a difference.
Quick & Healthy Kids Meal Ideas
If you have super easy mealtimes with your kids, this might not be for you. But I am always trying to get them to try new things that are e-a-s-y for me and also put some nutritional value into their meal. It’s important to make sure our kiddos are eating a balanced diet, but we may not have much time during the day, especially if we’re working from home, too. Making healthy and delicious lunch and dinner options for the kids doesn’t mean that we have to spend hours in the kitchen.
Mom Hack: Kid’s Self Serve Fridge
You all know that I love a good mama hack and this self serve fridge is definitely tippy-TOP on my list of things to finish ASAP! I have three kids and I feel like they are at the point now where they can all try to get their own snacks. And if your kids eat snacks, you know the requests are constant, right?! lol
Most Recommended Products for Moms & Baby, From a Doula’s Perspective
I can’t believe I’ve been a mom now for almost six years. That said - I’ve experimented and tried out so many products and brands for babies and mamas. Even more so over the last year that I’ve been training to become a Doula! I feel like something new comes out every day, so it's been difficult to keep up, but I like to have an idea of what is available in the industry. Being a first time mom, or even a mom of 5, there’s always experimentation that needs to be done because every baby is different and so is every child-parent relationship. I’ve been doing a lot of reflecting about what has changed from Carmen to PJ to Graham and it got me thinking about all the products I’ve switched around throughout the years. I wanted to share my recommendations, as I would for my Doula clients,for products that can help make your life easier, more comfortable, or more efficient. Use this list as a guide, or checklist if you will, for the ultimate list of products you need to support your way through this amazing journey of motherhood.
4 Ways to Snack Better When Working and Momming from Home
Whether you’re new to working from home or it’s been your longtime gig, you’ll like this post. Well, if you are a snacker like me - you’ll like this post! As someone who has managed business from home for 6 years now, I’m well aware of the tendency to wander over to the fridge and pantry and mindlessly make snacking decisions. I wanna start off by saying that snacking isn’t automatically bad, and you should feed your body when you’re hungry! It’s more about what foods you choose and how to tell when your body actually needs them.
Easing Back Into Workouts after Having a Baby
Having now birthed three (and no it definitely doesn’t get easier) I wanted to share some of my favorite tips for returning to a “routine”, once cleared by doctors, of course. Getting back into fitness and wellness after having each of my kids, was one way I was able to start to feel good again. BTW, I don’t like saying “get back to normal” because I feel like your life is always your normal. It just changes as you change. I know not everyone has the capacity or support to get alone time for self-care, but I highly encourage every new mom to focus on themselves for even just 5 minutes a day! Here are some of my favorite tips for getting back into a safe and effective fitness routine, postpartum.
Why My Kids Don't Drink (dairy) Milk
One of the most frequently asked questions I get is, “what about the kids” and truthfully they are not AS into the plant-based eating as we are, and that’s okay. They can make their own decision! But one thing I did put a lock on was cow’s milk, simply because it seemed unnecessary to me and my pediatrician was always on board.
How I make early mornings work for me
I think most kids under the age of, like, 10, get up early, right? I have a solid 9 more years of early mornings, but my morning routine has kept me sane. *if something is constantly viewed as terrible - it will be terrible* So I try to treat my mornings like a gift. An early gift that needs lots of coffee! :-P
What I mean by that is - how can I make these mornings more enjoyable and actually work for me?
Summer and Early Fall Activities and Crafts for Kids
Has anyone else looked at the calendar lately and said “OH MY GOSH SUMMER IS ALMOST OVER?”, because I have done this a few times. I can’t believe how fast the year is going! Listen, I feel like I haven’t been too creative with the kids this summer. I’m kind of in survival mode - pool, pool, throw in a sprinkler. LOL.
I started looking for some new summer activities to do with the kids for August and part of September. Check out my list!
Plant-Based Eating for Kids: Fat Intake
I have embraced a (mostly) plant-based diet for over 8 years now. Not completely - but you’ll see I’m honest about that! While John and I can find plenty of options that allow us to maintain a healthy balance of the nutrients we need as adult humans, it can be a challenge sometimes with the little ones. One of the big differences between a plant-based diet for adults and a plant-based diet for kids is a need for fat.