What Do Labor Contractions Feel Like?!

Labor Contractions: How Do I Know When I'm Actually in Labor?

Postpartum Nutrition and How You Should Eat During Those Early Weeks After Baby

10 Important Items Moms Forget to Pack in Their Hospital Bags
There are hundreds of packing lists out there, and while they may be helpful to follow when packing your hospital bag, they can sometimes leave you packing too much, or even forgetting some of the most important items that you’ll wish you had later on!

Why a Postpartum Plan is Just as Important as a Birth Plan (and how you can make one)
You’re a few short weeks away from meeting your new little one; Your hospital bag is packed, you’ve installed the car seat, and have probably even created your birth plan. But have you thought about creating a postpartum plan?

7 Ways to Cope with Labor, Naturally
Pregnancy is full of surprises. So when it’s time to finally meet your precious little one, the last thing you want is to feel unprepared for labor. I want to note that I’m using the term “naturally” here simply because that is how we google search for this type of information - but every birth is natural, whether you use medicine or not, vaginally or surgical. This post is about unmedicated ways to birth should you be interested in those options!
Dad or Partner's Hospital Bag Checklist
Hospital bag checklists are everywhere for mamas, but what about the dad or partner? Since support systems are essential for a new mom, or any mom for that matter, I want to review some things for this ever-so-helpful-person in your life. In this case? What do they need to pack for the hospital? Keep in mind that I tend to keep things minimal in my life so this list is perfect but not overly detailed. I think the BEST thing you can do is only bring the essentials! And yes - it is great to have this packed in advance just like your bag. The last thing you need is to be waiting around for a bag to be packed!
Most Recommended Products for Moms & Baby, From a Doula’s Perspective
I can’t believe I’ve been a mom now for almost six years. That said - I’ve experimented and tried out so many products and brands for babies and mamas. Even more so over the last year that I’ve been training to become a Doula! I feel like something new comes out every day, so it's been difficult to keep up, but I like to have an idea of what is available in the industry. Being a first time mom, or even a mom of 5, there’s always experimentation that needs to be done because every baby is different and so is every child-parent relationship. I’ve been doing a lot of reflecting about what has changed from Carmen to PJ to Graham and it got me thinking about all the products I’ve switched around throughout the years. I wanted to share my recommendations, as I would for my Doula clients,for products that can help make your life easier, more comfortable, or more efficient. Use this list as a guide, or checklist if you will, for the ultimate list of products you need to support your way through this amazing journey of motherhood.