upgrade your comfort food
Comfort foods without all the extra crap? Healthier upgrades to your favorite foods.
HOW to "INDULGE" (aka treat yourself)
The lesson here is as follows: indulging is OKAY, when it comes from the RIGHT PLACE.
Sneaky Sugar
There are plenty of seemingly healthy foods that PACK in the sugar. I chose 6 of what I see the most when I meet with clients. I literally cannot imagine eating 4 or even 2 teaspoons of straight sugar, can you?
minimize holiday party damage
Struggling with holiday temptation and subsequent weight gain? Ask yourself a few questions before you dive in to the cheese plate.
Comfort Food: Kitchari
With the arrival of the colder weather, I've been HUNTING for comfort food recipes to try. Enter Kitchari. A cleansing, comforting, ayurvedic dish made from rice, beans and vegetables.
Want to be fertile myrtle?
My health coaching practice is focused on women….women who are in need of a health overhaul…women who have been following diets that aren’t working.
Skip the Flu Shot - Try These Immunity Boosting Drinks
So what should your plan be? Prevention! When it comes to health - I try to support holistic approaches when possible, rather than over-the-counter temporary solutions. (Shocker.) Start with a healthy diet. There are so many natural immunity-boosting foods and drinks that can help fight off illness and keep you going with your busy life despite dropping temperatures.
Fall = Butternut Squash Soup
A solid, easy recipe for a comforting soup with clean ingredients.
Pre Wedding Day Glow Prep
Around the time you start planning, if you’re looking for a significant change in weight or energy, this is the time to start making changes to your lifestyle (both to diet and exercise...no amount of kale will work if you aren’t getting your heart beating!). Small changes eventually become habit and by the time 6-12 months of planning goes by, you’ll see results- and keep them through your honeymoon and beyond.
Quick veggie quinoa
You guys need another quick dish? I've got you covered. This dish could kinda make you think of a bacon-y mac and cheese.
How to make the ultimate smoothie (& not get sick of it)
I make a different smoothie variation pretty much every day. Do I have a Yolanda Foster fridge and pantry full of fresh ingredients at my disposal?! Not quite. I do go grocery shopping weekly to pick up my fridge basics, and I keep a freezer full of frozen fruit.
Easy Weeknight Shrimp Curry
With a new baby in the house - we are in need of super-easy dinner ideas so we aren't tempted to order take-out. Besides the initial chopping - I was able to make all of this while holding the babe in one arm!
Spring Cleansing and its Benefits!
Time for spring cleaning, but while you clean your house, you should clean your body with a spring cleanse! Spring is the time for growth and renewal and your body is energizing itself for the busy months to come. It is the perfect time to get rid of the toxins in your body and gain some rejuvenation after those long winter months.
clean eating vs. diets - why diets don't work
Talking from experience, I cannot tell you how many diets, and how much money I have spent on pills and programs to lose a couple pounds, just to gain it right back on afterward. Time and time again, I was promised this ‘new me’, only to be let down shortly after the diet or program was over. The truth of the matter is: DIETS DON’T WORK!
10 Reasons Dehydration can make you sick, tired, or fat
When you are feeling thirsty – you are already dehydrated. So then what exactly is dehydration?
Healthier, Easy Chocolate Fudge for Valentine's Day
Looking for a better-for-you sweet for Valentine's Day? Look no further than this super-easy, one-bowl, healthier fudge!
5 swaps for a fresh start in 2015
New year – time to start fresh! But where to start? I’m sure you are being pressured by plenty of TV ads telling you which way to go, and it can all get very confusing, very fast. Here are my top 5 swaps for a good, clean start to 2015.
Skinny does not equal healthy
Your #1 goal is to improve your digestion. By improving your digestion - you will improve EVERYTHING including weight. Often weight loss is just one of the bonuses, coming second to that feeling of "wow, I don't feel sh*&ty every time I eat something".
My take on Pasta e Fagioli
Easy to make, filling, tasty and healthy. And if anyone asks - you are getting protein from the beans, brown rice pasta and the spinach!
Help! Holiday Binging
Have a little too much pumpkin pie last week? Worried about Christmas cookies and lots of big holiday meals? Follow these tips.