Tahini salad dressing aka best thing ever
Are you in need of a healthy, delicious salad dressing? One that you can make a batch of and portion out for a few lunches? Have you ever tried tahini? You have to try it.
Stay healthy this winter
This post is going to be short & sweet. Don't want to get sick this winter, or already feel like you are coming down with something? Here are some tips to stay well (or get better)!
Travel Snacking
Part of traveling for me is SNACK PREP. I am always wondering where my next meal or snack is going to come from - and it sure isn't going to come from those gross packaged meals they serve on the airplane. Is that even real chicken? Definitely not.
Making Fettuccine Alfredo without Cheese….whaaat?
Believe it or not, you can make almost any dish without dairy. I don’t cut anything completely out of my diet, but I very rarely eat dairy for many reasons. The two biggest reasons are that it is hard to digest, and it is really….....just, dirty (antibiotics, hormones, puss, EW).
Bag Your Shoes
Few things gross me out more than when I see shoes inside someone’s purse. Shoes protect your feet from the dirt, germs, dog pee and other nasty things on the ground. Why oh why would you want to then put those dirty soles into your clean handbag? Convenience – sure - but there is a SUPER easy solution to this terrible problem!
Why you should eat light to heavy
Eating light to heavy goes against everything you’ve ever read in fitness magazines, I know. When I tell clients to have their lightest meals early in the day, and heaviest meal at dinner – I almost always have a look of disbelief.
Start Every Morning with Hot Lemon Water - Do it!
If you do nothing else – you should start your day with a mug of hot water and lemon. Seriously. The best thing you can do for your body in the morning is ease it into the day and kick-start digestion.
Oil Pulling :: Trendy or Legit?
Though it may seem new and trendy, oil pulling isn’t a new thing! In fact, it started in India thousands of years ago and was introduced to the US in the ’90s. We are starting to hear more about these old practices now because there is a greater desire to live a more holistic life. My vote = legit.
But I eat YOGURT for breakfast and I’m still not skinny, WTF?
Ugh. Despite what the latest fitness magazine is telling you – you don’t have to eat a super-big breakfast right after you wake up, and eating yogurt and berries for breakfast won’t necessarily help you lose weight
I have a sweet tooth, too
I’ve always had a sweet tooth. In fact, I even get called out for snacking before dinner. The MAJOR difference between my snacking years ago vs. now is the quality of my snacks. I used to live off of sour gummies and now I live off of nature’s candy – fruit! The key to snacking is to choose whole foods, or close to it.
Indian takeout redo :: veggie korma
We used to order Indian food takeout every week [specifically on Mondays for The Bachelor (ette) / (Pad) / (In Paradise)]. Indian takeout is so good and full of flavor. What we order is usually also not so healthy. I still indulge here and there, but have been experimenting with creating my own versions as well so that I can control some of the ingredients. Here is my take on sweet and creamy Korma, which you can make with or without chicken
Produce :: do you need to buy organic?
First things first, if you are eating more fruits and veggies – that is what's most important! The next step is to look at organic produce and determine where you can fit it in. (Can we go back to a time when ALL food was organic? sigh.)
Juices •&• Smoothies
Is there a difference? Yep! And they both offer different benefits, so I try to include a few of each throughout the week.
Make your own vitamin water
Water is so important! You need to replace the water your body uses for things like digesting food, carrying nutrients and waste, and lubricating your joints. I aim to have at least 8-9 cups of “water” – including my morning juice or smoothie, which is full of the water found naturally in fruits and veggies.
What is a health coach?
Health Coaches are well-informed advisors who provide ongoing support and guidance as you set goals and make attainable and sustainable changes to improve your health and happiness. As a Health Coach, I help my clients navigate the world of contradictory nutrition advice to decide what works best for them. I also help my clients stick to diet and lifestyle changes that they may have tried (unsuccessfully) on their own. Accountability is key
Let's toast to a fresh start!
Ah. It is such a rewarding feeling to, after 3 years, finally and officially start Health Coach Philly! To celebrate – I’m inviting you to make an exfoliating ‘fresh start’ face mask and indulge in a glass of bubbly with me