Mom Mom

Chores Your Little One Can Help With

Starting chores at a young age can help kids both mentally and physically as they grow up and learn responsibility. Reaching the next milestone can feel easier as they learn new skills. Some sources say that chores can be started as early as two years old, while others recommend four to five years old. The “perfect age” doesn’t exist, so it’s important to do what’s best for you and your child!

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Mom, Recipes Mom, Recipes

Quick & Healthy Kids Meal Ideas

If you have super easy mealtimes with your kids, this might not be for you. But I am always trying to get them to try new things that are e-a-s-y for me and also put some nutritional value into their meal. It’s important to make sure our kiddos are eating a balanced diet, but we may not have much time during the day, especially if we’re working from home, too. Making healthy and delicious lunch and dinner options for the kids doesn’t mean that we have to spend hours in the kitchen.

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Lifestyle Lifestyle

celebrate valentine’s day - kid friendly!

Like most people, we will be staying home this year on Valentine’s Day. But if I’m being honest, we’ve always been pretty low key about it! This year I’m excited to incorporate some ideas to include the kids this year, since Valentine’s Day is falling on a Sunday and they’ll be home with us!

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