Lifestyle Lifestyle

5 Things you Need in Every Bedroom

We’ve been doing a lot of switch-a-roos since we moved into this house last year as we try to figure out the perfect layout for who goes where. Once the girls found out what a bunk bed was - they needed to have that, and I thought “well, that frees up a bigger space for an office and guest room!” (Plus, maybe they won’t come down into our bedroom every night. That was wishful thinking.)

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Lifestyle Lifestyle

My New & Improved Nighttime Routine With Lull Bed and Bedding

As a working mom of three, I feel the need to have something for myself in order to keep my sanity — can you relate? While so many people are able to focus on their morning routines, I often find myself lacking one because I don’t always have the flexibility in my schedule. With unexpected wake-up times, cranky toddlers, and three different breakfasts some days, I choose to focus on me and my self-care in the evening.. And yes, sometimes that includes a 10pm dinner in peace. Thankfully, we have passed the stage where our kids wake up in the middle of the night asking for a bottle, so the evening is really the best time for John and I to focus on ourselves!

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