Birth Birth

Dad or Partner's Hospital Bag Checklist

Hospital bag checklists are everywhere for mamas, but what about the dad or partner? Since support systems are essential for a new mom, or any mom for that matter, I want to review some things for this ever-so-helpful-person in your life. In this case? What do they need to pack for the hospital? Keep in mind that I tend to keep things minimal in my life so this list is perfect but not overly detailed. I think the BEST thing you can do is only bring the essentials! And yes - it is great to have this packed in advance just like your bag. The last thing you need is to be waiting around for a bag to be packed!

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Birth, Mom, Pregnancy Birth, Mom, Pregnancy

Most Recommended Products for Moms & Baby, From a Doula’s Perspective

I can’t believe I’ve been a mom now for almost six years. That said - I’ve experimented and tried out so many products and brands for babies and mamas. Even more so over the last year that I’ve been training to become a Doula! I feel like something new comes out every day, so it's been difficult to keep up, but I like to have an idea of what is available in the industry. Being a first time mom, or even a mom of 5, there’s always experimentation that needs to be done because every baby is different and so is every child-parent relationship. I’ve been doing a lot of reflecting about what has changed from Carmen to PJ to Graham and it got me thinking about all the products I’ve switched around throughout the years. I wanted to share my recommendations, as I would for my Doula clients,for products that can help make your life easier, more comfortable, or more efficient. Use this list as a guide, or checklist if you will, for the ultimate list of products you need to support your way through this amazing journey of motherhood.

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